
Showing posts from November, 2019

Basic algebra formulas that you can revise anytime and anywhere

FORMULAS FOR BEGINNER (a+b) ^2= a^2+b^2+2ab (a+b) ^2= (a-b) ^2+4ab (a-b) ^2= a^2+b^2-2ab (a-b) ^2= (a+b) ^2-4ab a^2+b^2= (a+b) ^2-2ab a^2+b^2= (a-b) ^2+ 2ab a^2-b^2= (a+b) (a-b) (a+b+c) ^2= a^2+b^2+c^2+2(ab+bc+ac) (a-b-c) ^2= a^2+b^2+c^2-2(ab-bc+ac) (a+b) ^3= a^3+b^3+3ab(a+b) (a-b) ^3= a^3-b^3+3ab(a-b) a^3+b^3= (a+b) (a^2-ab+b^2) a^3-b^3= (a-b) (a^2+ab+b^2) a^4-b^4= (a^2-b^2) (a^2+b^2) = (a^2+b^2) (a+b) (a-b) a^5+b^5= (a+b) (a^4-a^3b+a^2b^2-ab^3+b^4) a^5-b^5= (a-b) (a^4+a^3b+a^2b^2+ab^3+b^4)

Special C programming

Delete file #include &ltstdio.h > main() {   int status;   char file_name[25];   printf("Enter the name of file you wish to delete\n");   gets(file_name);   status = remove(file_name);   if( status == 0 )   printf("%s file deleted successfully.\n",file_name);   else   {   printf("Unable to delete the file\n");   perror("Error");   }   return 0; }

pepper-salt and filtered image

clc; close all; clear all; q=imread('BIRDS.jpg'); p=rgb2gray(q); k=imnoise(p,'salt & pepper', .5); c= medfilt2(k,[3 3]); d= medfilt2(k,[5 5]); e= medfilt2(k,[7 7]); figure; subplot(2,3,1),imshow(q),title('original image'); subplot(2,3,2),imshow(p),title('Grayscale image'); subplot(2,3,3),imshow(k),title('noisy image'); subplot(2,3,4),imshow(c),title('filtered 3x3 image'); subplot(2,3,5),imshow(d),title('filtered 5x5 image'); subplot(2,3,6),imshow(e),title('filtered 7x7 image'); OUTPUT:

Histogram image

clc; close all; clear all; a=imread('BIRDS.jpg'); b=rgb2gray(a); figure; subplot(2,2,1),imshow(a),title('original image'); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(b),title('Grayscale image'); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(b),title('Histogram image'); OUTPUT:

RGB images representation

clc; close all; clear all; a=imread('BIRDS.jpg'); b=rgb2gray(a); r=a(:,:,1); g=a(:,:,2); b=a(:,:,3); new=cat(3,r,g,b); figure; subplot(2,3,1),imshow(a),title('original image'); subplot(2,3,2),imshow(b),title('Grayscale image'); subplot(2,3,3),imshow(r),title('red scale image'); subplot(2,3,4),imshow(g),title('green scale image'); subplot(2,3,5),imshow(b),title('blue scale image'); subplot(2,3,6),imshow(new),title('reconstructed image'); OUTPUT:

String related programming

Print string #include < stdio.h >   int main() {   char array[100];   printf("Enter a string\n");   scanf("%s", array);   printf("You entered the string %s\n",array);   return 0; } String length #include < stdio.h > #include < string.h > int main() {   char a[100];   int length;   printf("Enter a string to calculate it's length\n");   gets(a);   length = strlen(a);   printf("Length of entered string is = %d\n",length);   return 0; } Compare strings #include < stdio.h > #include < string.h > int main() {   char a[100], b[100];   printf("Enter the first string\n");   gets(a);   printf("Enter the second string\n");   gets(b);   if( strcmp(a,b) == 0 )   printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");   else   printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");   return 0; } Concatenate strings #include < st